Learn Electric Cars


A battery is the heart of electric cars and there is a need to learn about the technology behind it to understand the complete scope of EVs. This section deals with the latest advancements in battery technology.

Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping Challenges

Potential and Challenges of Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping

As the automobile industry struggles to find solutions to enable mass adoption of EVs, battery swapping could emerge as a feasible method. In this article, we shall glance through the potential electric vehicle battery swapping possesses, along with the challenges it poses. The EV landscape is undergoing a transformative shift as the world seeks sustainable alternatives to traditional combustion engine vehicles. Among the innovative solutions gaining traction is the concept of electric car battery swapping. It is a paradigm that offers unique advantages in the pursuit of widespread EV adoption. The conventional charging infrastructure, while effective, grapples with challenges such as extended charging times and limited accessibility, hindering the seamless integration of EVs into our daily lives. Battery swapping presents an alternative approach that holds the promise of overcoming these hurdles. It offers a potential solution to concerns surrounding range anxiety, charging time, and the overall convenience of electric vehicles. This article explores the potential benefits of electric car battery swapping, examining how this emerging technology could contribute to the acceleration of the electric mobility revolution. Moreover, it also addresses some of the key limitations currently associated with EVs. From enhanced user experience to addressing logistical and charging infrastructure challenges, the exploration of battery swapping unfolds as a promising avenue in the ongoing quest for a sustainable and accessible electric transportation future. You might also like: Best Methods and Challenges of Recycling Electric Vehicle Batteries You might also like: Nissan Sets Out to Revolutionize Its Solid-State Battery Technology Challenges of Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping You might also like: Top Solid-State Battery Companies For EVs Learn Electric Cars Says Despite these challenges, some regions and companies are actively exploring and investing in battery swapping solutions. This is a part of a broader strategy to promote electric vehicle adoption and address charging infrastructure limitations. Overcoming these challenges will require collaboration between automakers, infrastructure providers, and policymakers to establish standardized and efficient systems.

Methods and Challenges of Recycling EV Battery

Best Methods and Challenges of Recycling Electric Vehicle Batteries

Electrification of cars is inevitable going forward, which is why it is imperative to immerse ourselves in devising solutions to imminent issues with regard to EV batteries. With the ever-growing number of electric vehicle batteries, recycling is bound to be among the biggest challenges going forward. These batteries can be volatile if processed improperly. For example, if Lithium is exposed to air, it can react with oxygen, leading to fires, explosions, and toxic fumes. In fact, Lithium batteries are responsible for a large proportion of all fires in waste processing facilities across various parts of the world. This makes discarding them in landfills a dangerous and unsustainable solution. However, the same properties that make batteries hazardous in landfills also make recycling them challenging. EV batteries, laden with materials like aluminium, steel, cobalt, manganese, nickel, and copper within a robust protective shell, require intricate processes for recovery. Let us acquaint ourselves with the methods of EV battery recycling, as well as the hurdles accompanying them. You might also like: How Are EREVs Different From BEVs, PHEVs or HEVs? You might also like: How to Prevent Effects of Extreme Hot & Cold Weather on EV Batteries? Methods of Recycling Electric Vehicle Batteries Hydrometallurgical and Pyrometallurgical Processes EV batteries contain recyclable materials, and to recover these elements, recycling facilities employ pyrometallurgical and/or hydrometallurgical processes. In the hydrometallurgical process, batteries are mechanically shredded and burnt, creating a ‘black mass.’ This mass undergoes further processing to recover recyclable materials. Conversely, the pyrometallurgical process involves rinsing the battery in acid to create a “chemical soup,” from which recyclable elements can be recovered. Both methods necessitate careful management under controlled conditions to protect both workers and the environment. Energy-Intensive Challenges and Limited Facilities The number of EV battery recycling facilities worldwide is limited, with only two existing in Europe. The process is energy-intensive, emitting greenhouse gases during battery burning, and generating a significant amount of non-recyclable waste. Beyond the European Union, health, safety, environmental, and working conditions in these facilities lack careful control, potentially causing more severe impacts. Currently, only 5% of lithium-ion batteries are recycled due to the complexity and expense of the recycling process. You might also like: New 3D Technology Claims To Make EV Batteries Safer Direct Recycling Researchers are exploring direct recycling as a more efficient solution. In this process, the cathode mixture remains intact, eliminating the extensive processing needed to salvage reusable components. The efficient recycling of old batteries not only prevents hazardous waste and emissions but also provides an alternative to environmentally destructive mining for raw materials. However, achieving these benefits depends on making the entire process more efficient and affordable. Re-Use EV Battery Re-use presents an attractive alternative, considering that end-of-life Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) typically retain 70-80% storage capacity. Although unsuitable for electric vehicles, these batteries can find a second life in static storage applications, such as energy storage systems for solar or other renewable technologies. Companies like Nissan, Renault, and Volkswagen are taking steps towards a more sustainable future by accepting end-of-life batteries for recycling. You might also like: Which is Better EV Battery Cooling System – Liquid or Air? Challenges in Re-Using EV Batteries Despite the potential, re-use faces challenges. First, the diverse design and chemistry of the first-generation EV batteries reaching end-of-life make them incompatible for use together. Second, while the volume of end-of-life batteries in 2030 could generate a substantial amount of energy, the demand for stationary storage in the EU is likely to to be much lower. Lastly, current EU regulations, particularly the Waste Batteries Directive, prioritize appropriate collection and recycling, leaving the re-use of batteries unaccounted for. Learn Electric Cars Says The challenge in EV battery recycling lies in both technology and scale. Developing and scaling up dismantling and recycling techniques, including robotic automation and direct recycling, is essential. Manufacturers also play a crucial role by designing batteries with recycling in mind. While challenges exist, the journey toward sustainable battery recycling is vital for minimizing environmental impact, reducing reliance on mining, and fostering economic opportunities. As we navigate this path, collaboration between manufacturers, researchers, and policymakers will be key to creating a circular and sustainable battery economy.

Nissan Solid State Battery Technology

Nissan Sets Out to Revolutionize Its Solid-State Battery Technology

The Japanese automaker is taking giant steps toward innovative battery technology solutions to power its future EVs. In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric vehicles, Nissan is positioning itself as a trailblazer by investing in all-solid-state battery (ASSB) technology. The company envisions this innovation as a game-changer, propelling EVs into the next decade. Let’s delve into Nissan’s ambitious plans, exploring the potential benefits and challenges associated with solid-state batteries You might also like: Could Dongfeng M-Hero 917 Be Perfect Rival to Hummer EV? Leap in Battery Technology Nissan’s commitment to solid-state battery technology marks a significant leap from conventional lithium-ion cells. The company aims to double the energy density at the pack level while slashing fast charging times by two-thirds. This leap forward is not merely an incremental improvement over existing lithium-ion batteries but a revolutionary stride towards making EVs more efficient and practical. Battery Cooling Innovation One distinctive aspect of Nissan’s solid-state battery approach is its intention to eliminate the need for cooling. Unlike traditional EVs, which rely on water or air cooling systems to manage temperatures, Nissan believes that solid-state cells can withstand higher temperatures without compromising safety or performance. This unconventional strategy challenges the norm, aiming to streamline the battery design and reduce complexity, especially crucial for larger EVs like trucks, vans, and SUVs. You might also like: Ownership Experience of EVs More Tricky Than ICE Cars – Study Overcoming Challenges Nissan’s venture into solid-state battery technology reflects a learning curve from its past experiences. The company faced challenges with the cooling needs of the original battery cells in the Nissan Leaf, but subsequent advancements, including a battery chemistry change in 2015, addressed these issues. Nissan’s hands-on experience positions it uniquely in the pursuit of a cooling-free ASSB, learning from the past to drive innovation in the future. What The Future Looks Like While Nissan’s vision for solid-state batteries is promising, there are challenges to overcome. Currently seeing around 200 cycles in laboratory tests, Nissan acknowledges the longevity hurdle and plans to establish a pilot line for larger cells in 2024. The company collaborates with NASA and UC San Diego, incorporating AI techniques to address issues like lithium dendrite growth, ensuring the safety and durability of the solid-state cells. The road ahead involves fine-tuning the cells, determining the optimal chemistry, and scaling up production. Nissan Solid-State Battery Technology Nissan’s pursuit of solid-state battery technology represents a bold step towards revolutionizing the electric vehicle industry. The company’s ambitious goals, from doubling energy density to eliminating the need for cooling, indicate a commitment to pushing the boundaries of what EVs can achieve. As challenges persist and technology evolves, Nissan’s collaboration with leading institutions positions it as a key player in shaping the future of electric mobility. You might also like: How to Prevent Effects of Extreme Hot & Cold Weather on EV Batteries? Learn Electric Cars Says In a landscape where sustainability and efficiency are paramount, Nissan’s journey into solid-state battery technology holds the promise of not only enhancing the performance of larger EVs but also influencing the overall trajectory of electric vehicle development. As the automotive industry undergoes a paradigm shift towards cleaner and more sustainable solutions, Nissan’s focus on innovation underscores its dedication to providing consumers with advanced, reliable, and environmentally friendly transportation options. In conclusion, while the path to solid-state battery integration may be challenging, Nissan’s commitment to overcoming obstacles and collaborating with industry leaders indicates a future where electric vehicles are not just a viable alternative but a superior choice for a wide range of applications. As we eagerly anticipate the developments in the coming years, Nissan’s role in shaping the EV landscape is undoubtedly one to watch.

How to prevent EV batteries from hot and cold weather

How to Prevent Effects of Extreme Hot & Cold Weather on EV Batteries?

There could be adverse effects of extreme hot and cold weather on EV batteries as Lithion-ion chemistry is temperature-dependent. There are numerous handy tips and tricks to prevent the adverse effects of extreme hot and cold weather on EV batteries. Electric vehicles have emerged as a promising solution for sustainable and eco-friendly transportation. However, one aspect of EV ownership that often raises questions is the impact of extreme weather conditions on their batteries. In this blog, we’ll delve into how both extreme heat and cold can affect EV batteries. Understanding these effects can help EV owners take steps to maximize battery life and performance. You might also like: New 3D Technology Claims To Make EV Batteries Safer Effects of Extreme Heat on EV Batteries Capacity Loss One of the primary concerns with extreme heat is the accelerated degradation of an EV battery’s capacity. When exposed to high temperatures for prolonged periods, the battery’s ability to hold a charge diminishes more rapidly. This means that over time, your EV may experience a noticeable reduction in its driving range. Reduced Lifespan Heat also shortens the overall lifespan of an EV battery. While EV manufacturers design batteries to withstand a wide range of temperatures, excessive heat can lead to premature ageing. This may result in the need for battery replacement sooner than expected, which can be a significant expense. Safety Concerns Extreme heat poses safety risks for EV batteries. It can lead to a phenomenon known as thermal runaway, where the battery becomes extremely hot and potentially combustible. Manufacturers implement safety measures to mitigate these risks, but it’s crucial for EV owners to avoid exposing their vehicles to extreme heat whenever possible. You might also like: Which is Better EV Battery Cooling System – Liquid or Air? You might also like: Top 5 Tips To Save / Earn Money From EV Charging Effects of Extreme Cold on EV Batteries Reduced Range In extremely cold weather, EV owners often notice a decrease in their vehicle’s driving range. The cold slows down the chemical reactions within the battery, reducing its efficiency. This means you’ll need to charge more frequently, especially during frigid winters, to cover the same distance. Slower Charging Charging an EV in very cold weather can be a slower process. The battery’s internal resistance increases in the cold, affecting the charging speed. EV owners may need to plan for longer charging times during winter months. Battery Wear While cold weather may not degrade the battery as quickly as extreme heat, it can still contribute to long-term wear and tear. Cold temperatures can increase the internal resistance of the battery, which may lead to gradual degradation over time. You might also like: 5 New EV Battery Technologies – Aluminium-ion to Niobium Mitigating the Effects of Hot & Cold Weather on EV Batteries Thermal Management Systems Many modern EVs come equipped with thermal management systems designed to regulate the temperature of the battery. These systems help maintain the battery within an optimal temperature range, mitigating the effects of extreme weather. Pre-Conditioning To counteract the impact of extreme temperatures, some EVs offer pre-conditioning features. This allows owners to warm up or cool down the battery before setting out on a journey. Pre-conditioning helps improve range and charging efficiency. Manufacturer Guidelines Following the manufacturer’s guidelines for operating your EV in extreme conditions is essential. They often provide recommendations for maintaining the battery’s health and performance in various weather scenarios. You might also like: Top Solid-State Battery Companies For EVs Learn Electric Cars Says Extreme weather conditions, whether scorching hot or freezing cold, can affect the performance and lifespan of EV batteries. Heat can lead to capacity loss, reduced battery lifespan, and safety concerns, while cold weather can result in reduced range, slower charging, and gradual battery wear. However, with proper precautions, such as using thermal management systems, pre-conditioning, and following manufacturer guidelines, EV owners can mitigate these effects and enjoy their eco-friendly vehicles year-round. Understanding how weather affects EV batteries is the first step toward maximizing their efficiency and longevity, making electric vehicles a reliable and sustainable choice for transportation, regardless of the climate.

New 3D Technology to Make EV Batteries Safer

New 3D Technology Claims To Make EV Batteries Safer

With the advent of extensive R&D in EV battery technology, new methods are being developed to address safety issues pertaining to EVs. It is becoming a trend for companies to keep devising modern methods leveraging technology to make EV batteries safer. In the last few years, many cases of terrible incidents regarding electric cars have surfaced. Unfortunately, most of these highlight some sort of battery issue as the root cause. With reports suggesting around 100 million EVs on roads worldwide by 2030, it becomes crucial to come up with solutions to make electric car batteries safer. Hence, battery companies are not just focusing on increasing range and reducing charging times, but also making them more resistant to fire and thermal runaway. We know that the latter is the biggest cause of worry. Once an EV battery catches fire, it is excruciatingly difficult to douse it. The reason is the availability of toxic and explosive chemicals in the battery construction itself. Essentially, that is a constant fuel to keep the fire going. As a result, we have had situations where the batteries kept burning for upto 48-72 hours. You might also like: Which is Better EV Battery Cooling System – Liquid or Air? You might also like: Top 5 Tips To Save / Earn Money From EV Charging 3D Thermal Barriers Technology to Make EV Batteries Safer Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, a tech company, has introduced an advanced solution to address a critical concern in the rapidly growing field of electric vehicles (EVs). The company has developed 3D thermal barriers aimed at mitigating the risk of thermal runaway in high-energy-density lithium-ion batteries, which are becoming increasingly common in modern EVs. You might also like: 5 New EV Battery Technologies – Aluminium-ion to Niobium The 3D thermal barriers mark a departure from conventional two-dimensional options like flat mats and thermal blankets. These barriers are custom, flexible, and can fit in various positions within the battery structure, allowing for easy integration of additional components. The novel 3D geometries come from injection moulding and continuous extrusion. This adaptability also offers a noteworthy advantage – the resulting intricate 3D geometries are lightweight and exert minimal impact on the overall battery weight. Freudenberg makes heat-resistant, electrical, and thermal insulating materials. Thorough in-house testing demonstrates that these materials can endure temperatures of up to 1,200°C. This resilience is due to the specific composition of the compounded polymers This renders them impervious to both extreme heat and particle impacts, such as those that occur during cell venting. The 3D thermal barriers use elastomer solutions in solid and foam forms. Additionally, they can also be plastic components like Quantix Ultra® for intricate geometric patterns. You might also like: Top Solid-State Battery Companies For EVs Learn Electric Cars Says There are new EV technologies coming about quite frequently. That is normal with so much research going on about EV batteries in various parts of the world. This may just be one of many potent ways to make EV batteries safer. With time, we expect more such breakthroughs which will have safety at its core. Not to mention, longer range and shorter charging times will still be the main parameters while designing new solutions.

Types of EV Battery Cooling Systems Liquid or Air

Which is Better EV Battery Cooling System – Liquid or Air?

For achieving high thermal efficiency, EV batteries are needed to be kept within the optimal operating temperatures which is why the cooling systems for electric car batteries are critical. Liquid or air cooling system is the most widely used technique to keep an EV battery within the optimal thermal range. Lithium-ion batteries are influenced by temperatures a lot. In fact, that is a major drawback of these types of batteries. But these are energy dense, lightweight, relatively affordable and capable of fast charging, which is why these are mostly used in EVs today. However, an efficient thermal management system needs to be in place to keep the cells from getting too hot or cold to ensure a stable and maximum range and performance. You might also like: Top 5 Tips To Save / Earn Money From EV Charging You might also like: Mercedes Electric G-Wagon (EQG) to Get Silicon Battery Material Liquid vs Air EV Battery Cooling System Liquid EV Battery Cooling System There are two types of liquid battery cooling methods – Direct and Indirect. In a direct liquid cooling mechanism, the battery cells are in direct contact with the coolant. For this to work, the coolant needs to have low to no conductivity. However, there is still intensive R&D going on about this which is why we don’t see it in EVs at the moment. Indirect cooling is something that we have got accustomed to even in traditional internal combustion engines. It consists of thin metal pipes that are placed right next to the battery surface. The heat generated during discharging (when the car in is motion) is absorbed by the coolant (generally glycol or polyglycol) running in these metal pipes via conduction. As a result, the excess heat is taken away by the coolant and it recirculates over and over again. This is the most common method used to control the temperatures of EV batteries today. You might also like: 5 New EV Battery Technologies – Aluminium-ion to Niobium Air EV Battery Cooling System As the name suggests, air cooling systems use the principle of convection instead of conduction for heat transfer. The air circulates around the hot battery and absorbs the heat emitted by it. Needless to mention, this is quite an inefficient way to manage thermal balance. There were some earlier budget EVs that used to have this mechanism, but eventually, carmakers moved to liquid cooling systems. Other Types of Battery Cooling Systems There is also the fin cooling system that is used in many electrical appliances. You must’ve seen fans and cooling setups with thin fins. The principle used in this setup is also convection. These fins have high thermal conductivity which ensures that they absorb the heat. But installing fins inside the vehicles requires additional space and weight. Those are undesirable aspects in modern cars where packing efficiency is critical to liberating the maximum space for the passengers. Finally, there are also Phase Change Materials (PCM) which absorb heat and change from solid to liquid. As one would imagine, the reason why they are not used in vehicles is because of the change in volume. When matter changes forms, there is a change in volume as well. For instance, ice melts to form water. Ice needs compact space while the same amount of water needs more space in liquid form. This property of PCMs renders them useless for automobile applications. You might also like: Top Solid-State Battery Companies For EVs Learn Electric Cars Says In inference, due to the heat transfer capabilities of liquid cooling systems, these are much better than air cooling systems for EV battery cooling. Sure, there can be issues with the liquid cooling systems like leakage. But this system is designed in such a way that it doesn’t happen. In case it still transpires, it is ensured that the passengers remain safe. As far as corrosion is concerned, additives are added to the coolant to ensure great protection against any such issues.

Tips to Save and Earn Money from EV Charging

Top 5 Tips To Save / Earn Money From EV Charging

Modern practices allow electric car owners to not only charge their cars at a time when the electricity rates are cheaper but also to earn some money by lending the power back to the grid. The automotive world has reached a point where it is no longer a question of whether the EVs are the future or not, but where people are devising ways to save and even earn money from EV charging. EV adoption is at an all-time high and the signs look promising going forward. Almost all legacy carmakers have announced ambitious plans to ensure carbon neutrality in the coming years and eliminate internal combustion engines from their lineup. In addition, new players have emerged that are manufacturing electric vehicles exclusively. Consequently, the charging infrastructure is also being developed in tandem. Here are some ways to save or earn money by charging your EV in a particular way. You might also like: 5 New EV Battery Technologies – Aluminium-ion to Niobium Top 5 Ways to Save / Earn Money from EV Charging Complimentary EV Charging There are a lot of modern EV markers that are offering some free complimentary EV charging when you purchase a new electric car. Sure, there are not many models on which this offer is valid. Nonetheless, this is something that you need to keep an eye out for. The most prevalent EVs include Hyundai IONIQ 5 and VW ID.4. They offer 2 years and 3 years of complimentary DC charging (certain kWh per month) respectively. Charging During Off-Peak Hours Yet another common way to save a lot of money while charging your electric car is the time when you charge it. You must know that charging at home using an AC charger is anyway cheaper than charging at a DC power station. However, if you charge at home during non-peak hours, generally from 8 PM to 6 AM, you might be able to charge at an even lower price. So, plan your charging cycles accordingly. You might also like: Top Solid-State Battery Companies For EVs Solar Energy to Power Your Home / EV There are many parts of the world, where solar is gaining momentum. People are installing solar panels in their homes to power their entire household. Needless to mention, this is particularly beneficial in those parts that are mostly sunny. Hence, if you install solar panels at your home and charge the EV using that source, the charging costs are bound to be extremely low. Selling Power to the Grid Another increasing trend around which startups are evolving is selling the surplus power back to the grid. We have already discussed how you should ideally charge your EVs during off-peak hours. During these times, you are paying the least amount of money to buy power. However, when you are not using your EV, you could sell it back to the grid at a time when the electricity rates are much higher, i.e., during peak hours. In this way, a symbiotic association could take place where you are using the grid to get power and also selling power to the grid to generate some profit. EV Charger Tax Credit & EV-Specific Electricity Rates Now, these are slightly nuanced measures that might be limited to only a couple of countries at the moment. But we are sure that more governments around the world could adopt it. The US government offers up to $1,000 in tax credit if you wish to install a charging station at your home. That is a necessity for EV owners and you could save some bucks in the form of tax credit. Similarly, the UK-based OVO Energy is a company that gives specific discounts for users to charge their EVs. The prices are exclusively designed for electric car charging allowing you to save some money. You might also like: How to Maximize EV Driving Range – Tips & Strategies Learn Electric Cars Says Despite the exponential growth of the EV industry in the last couple of years, we are still at a nascent stage of this promising EV revolution. Hence, this is the right time to take advantage of the massive benefits and incentives being offered by the carmakers, the governments and charging players to promote mass adoption. We are certain that such measures will become more common in more nations as we go forward. This is a great window to switch from traditional ICE-powered cars to EVs. Also, we understand that these practices might not work in every country at the moment. But the aim of this blog post is to make you aware of the kinds of possibilities that exist. This would also prompt you to keep an eye out for any such new method you might come across that will help you save or earn money using your electric car.

Mercedes-Benz EQG Electric G-Wagon Concept

Mercedes Electric G-Wagon (EQG) to Get Silicon Battery Material

Mercedes-Benz has invested in the battery materials startup Sila in 2019 which will supply the newly-developed material for the Li-ion battery for the upcoming Mercedes electric G-Wagon (EQG). The upcoming Mercedes electric G-Wagon (EQG) is set to come equipped with a range-boosting silicon battery material engineered by Sila. Mercedes invested in Sila back in 2019 with the aim of getting access to future technology to be used in the electric versions of its popular and next-gen EVs. The time has come to reap the benefits of that investment as the new ‘Titan Silicon’ will replace the graphite anodes to boost range, increase the charging speed, and reduce battery weight without sacrificing the cycle life or safety of the battery. You might also like: Are Stricter Emission Norms Right to Push Mass EV Adoption? Mercedes Electric G-Wagon (EQG) The electric G-Wagon has been spied testing in Europe as the plans to launch the iconic SUV are near. Reports suggest that we might see the eco-friendly G-Wagon sometime by the end of 2024 with deliveries set to commence in the first quarter of 2025. The silhouette of the concept and spied versions reveal the oh-so-traditional and orthodox boxy pattern with an imposing and rugged build. Sure, there will be tons of modern EV design cues including a sealed front grille, aerodynamic alloys, plenty use of LED lighting and more. You might also like: Here’s How Ferrari May Still Sell ICE Cars Post EU Ban of 2035 Titan Silicon However, the biggest talking point with the electric G-Wagon has to be what lies under the floor. By using Titan Silicon instead of Graphite for the anode of the Li-ion battery, the G-Wagon will boast a charging time of 20 mins for 10-80% which will go further down by the time the manufacturing of the EQG commences. Additionally, the weight of the EV battery will come down by 15% while saving 20% more space. Sila has developed this technology for 10 years with 55,000 iterations taking into consideration optimal battery performance, safety, large-scale manufacturing, long range and improved charging times. Most importantly, EV-haters would be glad to know that Titan Silicon generates 50% to 75% less CO2 per kWh than graphite during production significantly reducing the EVs’ environmental impact. Sila aims to produce enough material to power 1 million EVs in the next 5 years starting with the EQG. Titan Silicon-powered batteries’ 800+ Wh/L will be the world’s highest energy density cell which will be on offer in 2025 in the electric G-Wagon. You might also like: 5 New EV Battery Technologies – Aluminium-ion to Niobium Markus Schäfer, Chief Technology Officer and Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG said about the startup, “Sila has come a long way since we established our strategic partnership in 2019. Delivering such a high energy density is a true game-changer and allows us to think in completely new directions when developing future electric cars.” All this makes us hugely excited about the Mercedes EQG.

5 New EV Battery Technologies

5 New EV Battery Technologies – Aluminium-ion to Niobium

New EV battery technologies are being developed vehemently all across the globe. The traditional and upcoming electric carmakers and traditional battery and tech companies are collaborating to develop future batteries as the electrification wave grips the mobility industry. The need for zero tailpipe pollution-emitting vehicles is a priority as the warnings from the scientific community about environmental degradation are unequivocal. As a result, R&D in battery technology has been underway for almost a decade now. Here are the top 5 relatively viable options that might make it into mass-production before the decade-end (some of these are already being tested in production vehicles starting this year (2023)). You might also like: Top Solid-State Battery Companies For EVs You might also like: Does the Future of EVs Rest on Sodium Ion Batteries? 5 New EV Battery Technologies Sodium-Ion Batteries We have already covered the details of the principle, advantages and disadvantages of Sodium-ion batteries previously. Just for recap, this battery type uses Sodium (instead of Lithium) to carry ions from the cathode to the anode and vice versa enabling the charge and discharge process. Sodium is the 6th most abundant element found in the earth’s crust, is non-inflammable, has a wider temperature range of operation, has low production cost, etc. These are the benefits over the existing Li-ion batteries. However, the issue is their low energy density and almost equal charge-discharge cycle counts compared to the Li-ion batteries. Also, mass production has only just commenced by CATL and BYD. You might also like: Are Chargers at DC Fast Charging Stations Bad For EVs? Solid State Batteries The next crucial and interesting EV technology is called a solid-state battery. As the name reflects, the electrolyte solution that is found between the cathode and anode of an electric car battery (or any other Li-ion battery used in other electronic gadgets) is in solid/gel form. In Li-ion batteries, this is in a liquid state which is what causes fire. But with solid-state technology, this electrolyte is in solid or gel form. Hence, the size and weight of the battery are reduced leading to increased range and faster charging times. However, more research is needed to produce these on a large scale. Lithium Sulfur Batteries Lithium Sulfur (Li-S) batteries use sulfur instead of complex, toxic, fast-diminishing and difficult-to-source elements like Cobalt or Nickel in their construction. This makes the batteries slightly lighter increasing their energy density which could be as high as around 500 Wh/kg compared to around 300 Wh/kg for regular Li-ion batteries. These can have around 1,500 charging cycles. However, the issues with these include polysulfide “shuttle” resulting in leakage of cathode material. You might also like: Tesla Battery (4680) vs BYD Blade Battery – Comparison Aluminium Ion Batteries Another interesting and potentially disruptive EV battery technology is the use of Al-ion. In this construction, Aluminium ions are used as charge carriers between the cathode and anode. Aluminium can exchange 3 electrons per ion which makes its energy density around 50 times higher than Li. Having 3 electrons has its advantages and disadvantages. The latter include relatively short shelf life and issues with heat, rate of charge, overall electrical behaviour and energy capacity. Niobium Batteries Finally, there are the exciting Niobium batteries that take 1 minute to recharge due to their layered molecular structure. Cambridge-based Nyobolt is working on this unique technology that uses Niobium anode reducing the charging time drastically. Even under severe temperatures, these batteries are less prone to catching fire. Their temperature gradient is just 8 degrees Celsius compared to around 27 degrees Celsius for regular batteries. While there has been significant development in the first two technologies with BYD and CATL having commenced the production of Sodium-ion batteries in mass-market EVs, the others still are in various stages of development and testing. It would be interesting to see which out of these (if any) dominates the space by the end of this decade. Also, chances are that these might co-exist or new technologies might also crop up.

Top Solid-State Battery Companies For EVs

Top Solid-State Battery Companies For EVs

There are over 40 solid-state battery companies for EVs across the world at the moment. Some of these are owned or operated by the legacy carmakers themselves to stay ahead in the competition of the EV wave. These batteries have a cathode (+) and a solid-state ceramic separator in contact with the anode (-) which is formed after ion transfer. As the battery charges, the Lithium ions travel through the ceramic separator and deposit on the contact surface on the other side making an anode of pure metallic Lithium. You might also like: Does the Future of EVs Rest on Sodium Ion Batteries? This Lithium metal anode allows the energy to be stored in the battery in a smaller area increasing the energy density. Hence, the overall weight of this configuration is lower than the regular Lithium-ion batteries, the energy density is higher leading to an increased range, charging times are shorter and the system is non-inflammable. This construction, essentially, addresses all the shortcomings typical of Li-ion batteries. However, mass production has not commenced yet. Here are the top 5 companies that are developing this technology. You might also like: Are Chargers at DC Fast Charging Stations Bad For EVs? Top Solid-State Battery Companies For EVs Volkswagen & Bill Gates – QuantumScape QuantumScape is an American company that makes solid-state batteries for EVs and is based in San Jose, California. It was established in 2010 and employs around 400 people. However, the most important aspect of this company is the fact that it is backed by Volkswagen and Bill Gates. Its main features include a 650 km range, 380-500 Wh/kg energy density (regular Li-ion batteries have somewhere around 250 Wh/kg) and a charge time of around 15 mins. BMW & Ford – Solid Power Solid Power is a solid-state battery manufacturer that is partners with BMW and Ford. It specializes in sulfide-based solid ion-conducting chemistry (replacing liquid electrolytes in regular Li-ion batteries) and also swapping the graphite anode with a Lithium metal anode. It is producing 2 Ah cells with 320 Wh/kg energy density. You might also like: Tesla Battery (4680) vs BYD Blade Battery – Comparison Toyota and Panasonic – Prime Planet Energy & Solutions Inc. The Japanese auto-giant in amidst developing its own solid-state batteries to power future EVs. It partnered with Panasonic to form Prime Planet Energy & Solutions Inc. It is planning to produce solid-state batteries in limited numbers by 2025. The batteries will have a range of 700 km and will have a charging time from 0-100% of 10-15 mins. Hyundai – Factorial Energy With extensive research and investment in solid-state batteries over the past 6 years, Factorial Energy is a Hyundai-backed company. At the 2023 Consumers Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Factorial showcased its 100 Ah prototype cells. These will offer 30% higher energy density than the traditional Li-ion batteries. With such giants of the automotive industry backing this technology, it sure looks like a matter of time before mass production of these solid-state batteries for EVs starts offering greater and safer alternatives to the existing Li-ion batteries. Apart from that, alternative battery technologies like Sodium-ion will also witness some more R&D. Within a brief span of a few years, consumers might have a wide choice while considering electric cars in terms of price, range and safety.